Saturday, August 13, 2011

Money Saving Tip of the Day - Yikes! DON'T sit that THERE!

How many of us nearly have a heart attack whenever we see someone headed toward our wood furniture with a drinking glass or wet cloth? Since I was a child, my mother engrained in our heads the horrors of placing our cups on the bare table with no coaster or tossing our wet towels on the hardwood floors. My girlfriend, Karla, was telling me her sweet son accidentally left the steam cleaner sitting running on the hardwood floor not knowing any better! O-M-Gasp!

The result? That unsightly white ring that sticks out like a soar thumb and screams "LOOK AT ME" to any guest that walks through the door! Well, maybe not. But that's how I feel anyway. This place usually becomes the resting place for a picture frame or knick knack or the furniture gets rearranged to cover the spot.

So, fix that spot with something we all have laying right in our bathroom..... toothpaste! The experts at EHow have given us these few simple steps....

  1. Apply a small amount of non-gel toothpaste to a damp, clean, lint-free cloth.
  2. Rub toothpaste over the water spot. 
  3. Remove film with a clean, damp cloth.
  4. Dry with a clean, dry cloth.
  5. Polish.
Voila! Now you can sit that picture where you really want it!

Cost for this quick fix... FREE!!!

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